EduSensory Pod is a place to…

  • Feel Calm & Safe

  • Take a break

  • Self-Regulate

  • Safely engage the senses

EduSensory Pod is…

  • A clinically designed safe space

  • Small footprint to fit in most classrooms

  • Teachers have line of sight

  • Mobile – can be wheeled between classrooms

  • Aesthetically pleasing themed pods

  • Customised to achieve specific therapeutic outcomes


Children in Australia have Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)


Our Story

In 2015, Tim Reiter identified a great way to brighten up school playgrounds and support school children’s play, curiosity and learning.

EduMarking was born.

Fast forward – 2021, we have expanded in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada and South Korea.

Hundreds of thousands of students enjoy playing on EduMarking.

During this journey connecting with 1000s of school principals and executive teams, we identified that a major objective is to make their school inclusive for all students.

Australian schools are facing a situation where 1 in 20 students have some sort of sensory processing disorder.

Let that sink in for a moment.

That’s an MCG full (100,000) in our primary schools.

We engaged an expert team of professors specialising in sensory disorders & construction management from the University of Newcastle to undertake clinical research and architectural development on how EduSensory can effectively design sensory spaces for children.

Spaces designed to help schools become more inclusive for students with this disorder.

Desperate for answers, we now have a solution that empowers teachers.

4 Reasons Why Your School Needs An EduSensory Pod



  • provides a supportive safe space for children to calm down inside existing classrooms & open plan areas
  • reduces external sensory overload
  • helps children/students self regulate and cope with everyday situations
  • it improves student well-being
  • Calming separation without isolation


Learning Support

  • provides an escape space within the larger area
  • provides isolation from outside input
  • provides a temporary retreat to calm down and re-engage with the previous activity
  • improve behaviour on a longer-term scale



  • it is a mobile pod that can be moved to exactly where it is needed and when
  • it provides a “room within a room” effect, that saves giving up a whole room or building specialist facilities
  • it is designed to be robust with ergonomic features


Cost Effective

  • It provides support in an affordable, evidence-based, self-contained mobile pod, at the leading edge of the market
  • It creates an inclusive sensory supporting learning space, that reduces challenging behaviour and cost of exclusion

EduSensory Pod is defined as a private environment within an activity room, or closely adjacent to it, that allows people on the autism spectrum to disengage from the activity and temporarily retreat into that pod, in order to calm down and re-engage with the previous activity.

Professor Alison Lane

Benefits of EduSensory Pod

  • Calming/Relaxation
  • Sensory Stimulation
  • Effective for self-regulation
  • Utility as a teaching/ learning space for academic readiness
  • Reduces distractions
  • Acquisition of transferrable skills (e.g play skills, visual tracking, gross/fine motor skills)
  • Student enjoyment & leisure
  • Reduce challenging behaviour
  • Improve ability to focus during everyday activities
  • Safely engage in different sensory experiences
  • Effective for social engagement
  • Pods can be doubled up to create a multi-sensory environment
  • Mechanical switch usage skill acquisition
  • Improves student attention and engagement in classroom activities
  • Helps to build positive relationships & trust/rapport
  • Utility as a space for assessment
  • Lower levels of stereotyped behaviour under both high and low levels of carer attention
  • Customised to achieve specific therapeutic outcomes
  • Supports Inclusive Education

EduSensory Pod Supports the Response to Intervention (RTI) Concept

  • RTI is a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning or behaviour needs.

  • The framework systematically determines how well instruction is working, identifies which students whose needs are not being met, and makes adjustments to accelerate learning for all.

The goal is accelerated growth for all

  • Tier 1 Intervention– 80% kids. Teach them and they do it

  • Tier 2 Intervention – 15% require some sort of intervention (small group extra reinforcement)

  • Tier 3 Intervention – 5% 1 on 1 explicit instruction

‘EduSensory Pod’ will assist with Tier 1 and Tier 2 Intervention

  • Tier 1 – High Quality Classroom Instruction, Screening and Group Interventions
  • Tier 2: Targeted Interventions
  • Tier 3: Intensive Interventions and Comprehensive Evaluation
  • The point of RTI is not to bring every student into a standard normal distribution curve – instead, the point is to move the curve and accelerate learning for all students.
  • RTI helps you
    • Identify which students are in need of intervention
    • Deliver reading practice at the right level of challenge and success so students grow
    • Foster understanding of what each child’s strengths and weaknesses are so you can communicate those with parents.

EduSensory Pod Supports the RTI approach

An EduSensory Pod can
  • Provide students with a ‘cool down’ time.
  • Allow students time away from a stressful or potentially stressful situation
  • Can help avoid a power struggle between the teacher and the student.
An EduSensory Pod should be used
  • When a student gets off task and is beginning to be disruptive but not problematic
  • When a student is beginning to be argumentative or confrontational
  • When a student is refusing to follow a directive
  • When students have poor attention, focus, and impulse control